Rain, rain, go away.....You know how it goes. Your singing it aren't you? Haha!
Seems like we've had a lot of rain up here in Northern Maine.
Oh, but how I love a beautiful rainbow!
If you look closely, you can see that it's a double rainbow.
You can click on any of my photos to enlarge them, if you like.
I've been busy with so many projects now that summer is here. How does that old saying go?? You've got to strike while the iron is hot??
Well, I'm striking and getting a lot accomplished. I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel on most days. (giggle)
One of my big projects was our back porch. I have been working hard at getting it painted, screened in, and ready for summer.
As you can see...it's already becoming a favorite spot.
Father's Day was cold and windy. It felt kind of like a fall day.
Our boys came for a barbecue, and can you believe, I even got a picture!
Our granddaughter, Piper, helped husk the corn for dinner. She loves being Meme's helper.
My sister, Robin and her husband came for a visit. We tested out the new porch swing....it works great! Hollie liked it too!
Our youngest granddaughter, Rylee turned ONE! She started walking a day later. Two milestones in two days. They grow so quickly.
Piper graduated from Pre-K last week. Her class put on a nice show for all the parents and grandparents. It's on to kindergarten next year for her. She couldn't be more excited!
As you can see, my life is full, but I'm loving every minute of it!
I'd love to hear how your summer is going so far. Have you planted a garden? How's it growing? Are you planning a vacation? I'd love to hear what your up to, so leave me a comment.
Whatever your summer brings, or wherever it takes you....enjoy the journey, be safe, and have fun!